crush depth

Unbolted Frontiers

In the past couple of years, I've gotten back into composing music after a fifteen year break. I had originally stopped making music without any expectation that I'd ever do it again. Making music had become extremely stressful due to two factors: economics, and proprietary software. Briefly, I'd assumed that I needed to make money from music because I believed I had no other skills. This lead to a very fear-driven and unpleasant composition process more suited to producing periodic mild mental breakdowns than listenable music. Additionally, all of the software I was using to make music was the standard vendor lock-in proprietary fare; That's a nice studio you have here, it'd be a shame if you stopped paying thousands of monetary units per year to keep it working exactly the same way it always has and something happened to it... What? You want to use some different software and migrate your existing data to it? Ha ha ha! You're not going anywhere!

So I gave up and got into software instead. Fast forward fifteen years and now, as a (presumably) successful self-employed software engineer and IT consultant, economics are no longer a factor. Additionally, after fifteen years of using, contributing to, developing, and publishing open-source software, coupled with huge advances in the quality of all of the available open-source music software - I no longer have any desire or use for proprietary audio software. There is nothing that any proprietary audio software vendor can offer me that I could conceivably want.

As I mentioned, my music composition process in the distant past had been very fear-driven, and I'd accumulated a ton of rather destructive mental habits. However, fifteen years of meditation and other somewhat occult practices have left with me the tools needed to recognize, identify, and extinguish those mental habits.

One habit that I identified very early turned out to be one that was common amongst other musicians I know. Specifically: Too much detail too soon. In essence, it's very easy in modern electronic music composition environments to write four bars of music (looping the music continuously as you write), and progressively add more and more detail to the music, and do more and more tuning and adjustments to the sounds. Before long, eight hours have passed and you have four very impressive bars of music, and no idea whatsoever as to what the next four bars are going to be. Worse, you've essentially induced a mild hypnotic trance by listening to the same section of music over and over, and have unconsciously cemented the idea into your mind that these four bars of music are going to be immediately followed by the same four bars. Even worse; you've almost certainly introduced a set of very expensive (in terms of computing resources here, but perhaps in terms of monetary cost too, if you're that way inclined) electronic instruments and effects in an attempt to get the sound just the way you like it, and you may now find that it's practically impossible to write any more music because the amount of electronic rigging has become unwieldy. If you're especially unlucky, you may have run out of computing resources. Better hope you can write the rest of the music using only those instrument and plugin instances you already have, because you're not going to be creating any more!

Once I'd identified this habit, I looked at ways to eliminate it before it could manifest. I wanted to ensure that I'd written the entirety of the music of the piece before I did any work whatsoever on sounds or production values. The first attempt at this involved painstakingly writing out a physical score in MuseScore using only the built-in general MIDI instruments. The plan was to then take the score and recontextualize it using electronic instruments, effects, et cetera. In other words, the composition would be explicitly broken up into stages: Write the music, use the completed music as raw MIDI input to a production environment, and then manipulate the audio, add effects, and so on to produce a piece that someone might actually want to listen to. As an added bonus, I'd presumably come away with a strong understanding of the music-theoretic underpinnings of the resulting piece, and I'd also be forced into making the actual music itself interesting because I'd not be able to rely on using exciting sounds to maintain my own interest during the composition process.

The result was successful, but I'd not try it again; having to write out a score using a user interface that continually enforces well-formed notation is far too time consuming and makes it too difficult to experiment with instrument lines that have unusual timing. MuseScore is an excellent program for transcribing music, but it's an extremely painful and slow environment for composition. In defense of MuseScore: I don't think it's really intended for composition.

Subsequent attempts to compose involved writing music in a plain MIDI sequencer on a piano roll, but using only a limited number of FM synth instances. Dexed, specifically. These attempts were mostly successful, but I still felt a tendency to play with and adjust the sounds of the synthesizers as I wrote. The problem was that the sounds that Dexed produced were actually good enough to be used as the final result, and I was specifically trying to avoid doing anything that could be used as a final result at this stage of the composition.

So, back to the drawing board again. I reasoned that the problem was down to using sounds that could conceivably appear in the final recording and, quite frankly, being allowed any control whatsoever over the sounds. An obvious solution presented itself: Write the music using the worst General MIDI sound module you can find. Naming no names, I found a freely-available SoundFontⓡ that sounded exactly like a low-budget early 90s sound module. Naturally, I could never publish music that used a General MIDI sound module with a straight face. This would ensure that I wrote all the music first without any possibility of spending any time playing with sounds and then (and only then) could I move to re-recording the finished music in an environment that had sounds that I could actually tolerate.

Attempts to compose music in this manner were again successful, but it became apparent that General MIDI was a problem. The issue is that General MIDI sound modules attempt to (for the most part) emulate actual physical acoustic instruments. This means that if you're presented with the sound of a flute, you'll almost certainly end up writing monophonic musical lines that could conceivably be played on a flute. The choice of instrument sound inevitably influences the kind of musical lines that you'll write.

What I wanted were sounds that:

  • Sounded bad. This ensures that the sounds chosen during the writing of the music won't be the sounds that are used in the final released version of the piece.

  • Sounded different to each other. A musician who's opinion I respect suggested that I use pure sine waves. The problem with this approach is that once you have four or five sine wave voices working in counterpoint, it becomes extremely hard to work out which voice is which. I need sounds that are functionally interchangeable and yet are recognizably distinct.

  • Sounded abstract. I don't want to have any idea what instrument the sound is supposed to represent. It's better if it doesn't represent any particular instrument; I don't want to be unconsciously guided to writing xylophone-like or brass-like musical lines just because the sound I randomly pick sounds like a xylophone or trumpet.

  • Required little or no computing resources. I want to be able to have lots of instruments without being in any way concerned about computing resource use. Additionally, I don't want to deal with any synthesizer implementation bugs during composition.

Reviewing all the options, I decided that the best way to achieve the above would be to produce a custom SoundFontⓡ. There are multiple open source implementations available that can play SoundFontⓡ files, and all of them are light on resource requirements and appear to lack bugs. I wanted a font that contained a large range of essentially unrecognizable sounds, all of which could be sustained indefinitely whilst a note is held. There were no existing tools for the automated production of SoundFontⓡ files, so I set to work:

  • jsamplebuffer provides a simple Java API to make it easier to work with buffers of audio samples.

  • jnoisetype provides a Java API and command-line tools to read and write SoundFontⓡ files.

I then went through hundreds of Dexed presets collected from freely-available DX7 patch banks online, and collected 96 sounds that were appropriately different from each other. I put together some Ardour project files used to export the sounds from Dexed instances into FLAC files that could be sliced up programatically and inserted into a SoundFontⓡ file for use in implementations such as FluidSynth.

The result: Unbolted Frontiers.

A SoundFontⓡ that no sensible person could ever want to use. 96 instruments using substandard 22khz audio samples, each possessing the sole positive quality that they don't sound much like any of the others. Every note is overlaid with a pure sine wave to assist with the fact that FM synthesis tends to lead to sounds that have louder sideband frequencies than they do fundamental frequencies. All instruments achieve sustain with a simple crossfade loop. Hopefully, none of the instruments sound much like any known acoustic instrument. The only percussion sounds available sound like someone playing a TR-808 loudly and badly.

If I hear these sounds used in recorded music, I'm going to be very disappointed.

New PGP Keys

It's that time of year again.

Hash: SHA512

Fingerprint                                       | Comment
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
E379 5957 1613 1DB4 E7AB 87DD 67B1 8CC1 F9AC E345 | 2019 maven-rsa-key
D345 CCB7 187B C973 BDD4 9192 BEC8 33E4 DCAA 5330 | 2019 android commit signing
DD3E 9631 2A83 748C B4B3 73A5 91A8 14E2 EAF7 50A3 | 2019 release-signing
33E7 E23B F949 E558 A333 38E3 562B F636 4C42 DA2E | 2019 maven-rsa-key



Keys are published to the keyservers as usual.

A Low Budget Render Farm

I do a bit of 3D rendering now and then using Blender. Blender has multiple rendering engines: Blender Internal and Cycles. Blender Internal is a 1990s style CPU-based raytracer, and Cycles is a physically-based renderer that can be executed on either CPUs or GPUs. Cycles is technologically superior to Blender Internal in every way except for one: The performance when running on CPUs is essentially hopeless. In order to get reasonable render times, you really need a powerful GPU with an appropriate level of driver support. I refuse to use proprietary hardware drivers for both practical reasons and reasons of principle. This has meant that, to date, I haven't been able to use Cycles with GPU acceleration and have therefore stuck to using Blender Internal. As I don't aim for photorealism in anything I render (I prefer a sort of obviously-rendered pseudo-impressionist style), Blender Internal has been mostly sufficient.

However, I've recently moved to rendering 1080p video at 60fps. This means that even if it only takes ~10 seconds to render a single frame, that's still about 35 hours of rendering time to produce a 3.5 minute video.

I have a few machines around the place here that spend a fair amount of time mostly idle. I decided to look for ways to distribute rendering tasks across machines to use up the idle CPU time. The first thing I looked at was netrender. Unfortunately, netrender is both broken and abandonware. I spent a good few hours spinning up VM instances and trying to get it to work, but it didn't happen.

I've been using Jenkins for a while now to build and test code from hundreds of repositories that I maintain. I decided to see if it could be useful here... After a day or so of experimentation, it turns out that it makes an acceptable driver for a render farm!

I created a set of nodes used for rendering tasks. A node in Jenkins speak is an agent program running on a computer that accepts commands such as "check out this code now", "build this code now", etc. I won't bother to go into detail on this, as setting up nodes is something anyone with any Jenkins experience already knows how to do. Nodes can be assigned labels so that tasks can be assigned to specific machines. For example, you could add a linux label to machines running Linux, and then if you had software that would only build on Linux, you could set that job to only run on nodes that are labelled with linux. Basically, I created one node for each idle machine here and labelled them all with a blender label to distinguish them from the nodes I use to build code.

I then placed my Blender project and all of the required assets into a Git repository.

I created a new job in Jenkins that checks out the git repository above and runs the following pipeline definition included in the repository:


// Required:

node {
  def nodes = nodesByLabel label:"blender"
  def nodesSorted = nodes.sort().toList()
  def nodeTasks = [:]
  def nodeCount = nodesSorted.size()
  for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount; ++i) {
    def nodeName = nodesSorted[i]
    def thisNodeIndex = i

    nodeTasks[nodeName] = {
      node(nodeName) {
        stage(nodeName) {
          checkout scm
          sh "./ ${thisNodeIndex} ${nodeCount}"
  parallel nodeTasks

This uses the pipeline-utility-steps plugin to fetch a list of online nodes with a particular label from Jenkins. I make the simplifying assumption that all online nodes with the blender label will be participating in render tasks. I assign each node a number, and I create a new task that will run on each node that runs a shell script from the repository. The tasks are executed in parallel and the job is completed once all subtasks have run to completion.

The shell script is responsible for executing Blender. Blender has a full command-line interface for rendering images without opening a user interface. The main command line parameters we're interested in are:

blender \
  --background \
  coldplanet_lofi.blend \
  --scene Scene \
  --render-output "${OUTPUT}/########.png" \
  --render-format PNG \
  --frame-start "${NODE_INDEX}" \
  --frame-end "${FRAME_COUNT}" \
  --frame-jump "${NODE_COUNT}" \

The --frame-start parameter indicates at which frame the node should start rendering. The --frame-end parameter indicates the last frame to render. The --frame-jump parameter indicates the number of frames to step forward each time. We pass in the node index (starting at 0) as the starting frame, and the number of nodes that are participating in rendering as the frame jump. Let's say there are 4 nodes rendering: Node 0 will start at frame 0, and will then render frame 4, then frame 8, and so on. Node 1 will start at frame 1, then render frame 5, and so on. This means that the work will be divided up equally between the nodes. There are no data dependencies between frames, so the work parallelizes easily.

When Jenkins is instructed to run the job, all of the machines pull the git repository and start rendering. At the end of the task, they upload all of their rendered frames to a server here in order to be stitched together into a video using ffmpeg. Initial results seem promising. I'm rendering with three nodes, and rendering times are roughly 30% of what they were with just the one node. I can't really ask for more than that.

There are some weaknesses to this approach:

  1. Rendering can't be easily resumed if the job is stopped. This could possibly be mitigated by building more intelligence into the file, but maybe not.

  2. Work is divided up equally, but nodes are not equal. I initially tried adding a node to the pool of nodes that was much slower than the others. It was assigned the same amount of work as the other nodes, but took far longer to finish. As a result, the work actually took longer than it would have if that node hadn't been involved at all. In fact, in the initial tests, it took longer than rendering on a single node!

  3. There's not really a pleasant way to estimate how much longer rendering is going to take. It's pretty hard to read the console output from each machine in the Jenkins UI.

Finally: All of this work is probably going to be irrelevant very soon. Blender 2.8 has a new realtime rendering engine - EEVEE - which should presumably mean that rendering 3.5 minutes of video will take me 3.5 minutes.

CoffeePick Edition!

Big thanks to Aleksey Shipilev for adding file lists and sizes to so that CoffeePick can efficiently enumerate builds on the site.

A new repository provider has been added to CoffeePick that can fetch nightly builds from the repository:

User directory: /home/rm/local/coffeepick
Loading repositories…
INFO com.io7m.coffeepick.client.vanilla.CoffeePickCatalog: setting up repository from provider net.shipilev.builds (urn:net.shipilev.builds)
INFO com.io7m.coffeepick.client.vanilla.CoffeePickCatalog: setting up repository from provider (
INFO com.io7m.coffeepick.client.vanilla.CoffeePickCatalog: setting up repository from provider net.adoptopenjdk.raw (urn:net.adoptopenjdk.raw)

[coffeepick]$ catalog repository:urn:net.shipilev.builds
ID                                                                     | Arch         | Platform | Version      | VM       | Conf | Size       | Repository                   | Tags
41640365d898abb9c333cc7137a0b9a97ed05ad8                               | aarch64      | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 106.13  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
5b4c02ea37cedf1ba3c5cee208749e4a539ce808                               | aarch64      | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 112.88  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
37e1d1e3c93e4aae6dc7dac233f50f149ba40806                               | aarch64      | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 112.88  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
187b3c3f00e6f808964fc2486383ef73d1cb6a0c                               | aarch64      | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 106.15  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
5f232d58300791fba0452c41710390c630df959a                               | aarch64      | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 76.31   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
f48f5257256b6ef01398cbbcc077af81bde4f817                               | aarch64      | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 76.31   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
8b7b663db1b82ebc4f886b60b9adca34e3a9ca28                               | arm32-hflt   | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 96.43   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
4c65bbb79e7f28d11b292618977a65242881eed8                               | arm32-hflt   | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 103.26  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
e9d61d87e265ee8f2b167f9e83bfccc450adf823                               | arm32-hflt   | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 71.16   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
048d498ab77c049a34da88d70b1e838bae2c1947                               | arm32-hflt   | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 96.43   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
0abf8507da0c49e425cd689bb63b9b66336edc5c                               | arm32-hflt   | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 103.25  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
8e86c6d5b7705e97e3401361638a405640b0b3e4                               | arm32-hflt   | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 71.17   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
7ef78d8a19a9b7cf51b34e2e6d51ce0500fd29ef                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 72.42   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
397837245e66717feed96b27fac7af28c0597cab                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 101.83  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
53a22d756a40af3cc968d71adcf77664dd6c50ca                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 72.41   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
74e15bb1e3d6ca67015b8ae58db3f9db525d4ab6                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 104.80  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
fa1e016a654eb31b255a03a2328e8bdd82d5a72d                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 104.81  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
5b46c15abbafb4b8a7e684e5144b109f6bce939a                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 101.84  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
7f78d67f3a8268a70bf399d15d88e4292dfa0544                               | s390x        | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 102.60  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
664bd29cad89d18f63bc8000d1f598577fe1afae                               | s390x        | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 74.13   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
a6d23644361b735bafb00a687aa8c008b24dfedd                               | s390x        | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 99.01   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
191333a141ca461e4957327f58a94f603c3facc4                               | s390x        | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 102.60  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
aea5eacb3ae7a1f2591e55b5a4fdd0704765478a                               | s390x        | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 99.01   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
721b3beaba3612c851853ba3bcd898255630809c                               | s390x        | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 74.14   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
ed79993ad7f3c45b06c574729e508702c7d80ce7                               | x32          | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 75.74   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
abb921fbf12ea8078f84d02ed849f04c79b8a356                               | x32          | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 75.74   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
5bccd1116c63498c7a818e6fb0b5177dc297e89c                               | x32          | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 100.89  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
a96ae066a52ee2104925cfb78c9c364c537e86f1                               | x32          | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 105.84  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
c56dd229eae9fdf17f0386eb97b21e5d8199828d                               | x32          | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 105.83  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
3d0fa3fd4b21766d4ac97cfba195ce851120aa7a                               | x32          | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 100.90  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
19d78ca22dc1d3271c1bece1a282bf521968f5b3                               | x64          | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 118.52  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
38d9f40ec59efa9004ac17ca0e71cd34f8b8a571                               | x64          | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 84.17   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
0644ad607da9baf66c921d8ca70f3377d04dbb61                               | x64          | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 116.13  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
59f8d3fd009ba14aa1996ab6398cbd0d646eb334                               | x64          | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 84.21   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
bb38ac99481d336ebb6fa7e19bbdec0827bc46a7                               | x64          | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 118.51  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
97e000c96535e3bc3efdb381828a218820a8ecdb                               | x64          | linux    | 11.0.1+13    | hotspot  | jdk  | 116.13  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709                               | x64          | linux    | 12+17        | hotspot  | jdk  | 0.00    MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly panama release
af012b2040669390547481a2452217d09353e0e1                               | x64          | linux    | 12+17        | hotspot  | jdk  | 259.83  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly panama release
0cf94d49148737b832167122d6f5f4fdaf801ae3                               | x64          | linux    | 12+17        | hotspot  | jdk  | 483.00  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly panama
3ebbf4488ceaaab2d228f6efe2628c13f4bc9e28                               | aarch64      | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 78.04   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly portola slowdebug
d069f34f3e0db3fd70269c8f547ae57754bc3c0b                               | aarch64      | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 78.04   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly portola slowdebug
49862778ffae5a5cc97b253aee542bcdcd3a1884                               | aarch64      | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 115.82  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly portola release
e0f8da3c26430dfee6481f7f0adafbfd06f8ffe0                               | aarch64      | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 115.82  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly portola release
4307401874eb05bffa22ed29b9399d9abe0d73a6                               | aarch64      | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 108.33  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly portola
8955e33a74f18861248f98127c5179dc3f2617e6                               | aarch64      | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 108.32  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly portola
16672bc7757b6bc9ecd5e2794c991a0efbe10b49                               | arm32-hflt   | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 72.11   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly portola slowdebug
345f3a07d1e33f6222e6161b67d1f708c1575b9f                               | arm32-hflt   | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 97.88   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly portola
3fab8c3241645d865d7e03656d0a08b549ff05ad                               | arm32-hflt   | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 97.90   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly portola
bc89b28ec9bd43f4bbb412c5ed7b3e55ad433a34                               | arm32-hflt   | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 105.73  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly portola release
2c709cfa67ea4f8100252b7782d0a4fb38a8b86d                               | arm32-hflt   | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 105.75  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly portola release
115a35a0d94b334d86c166650969491194e84687                               | arm32-hflt   | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 72.10   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly portola slowdebug
e0aaf73d5d3f7f646b455c2c0373d1ddd9f231c5                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 74.06   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly portola slowdebug
b8251432135b5531696dd242ae836972afdc9702                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 107.41  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly portola release
ec09bec89d375ccf4a0dd1e52fb406b29bb40fd3                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 107.42  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly portola release
f1be1843c36b638cd18cbf9f65850fa70fbd064d                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 104.03  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly portola
3a64a1ea13b212c619d044de07c4a59abdefd00e                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 74.07   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly portola slowdebug
7904aee58d724134490c00e1d832ebb4038ba441                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 104.03  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly portola
3dcb14f1467a5167b018409a5969efe8c1981f23                               | s390x        | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 105.12  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly portola release
7e66bb2d88f84789cd3b07ae147e5ebf833f6b68                               | s390x        | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 75.90   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly portola slowdebug
0100a992f9766cd24c503f0bf46ab7e048b5439d                               | s390x        | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 101.13  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly portola
ee1566ff3b73fa2e158a6f010efc537b42d786dc                               | x32          | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 103.12  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly portola
6ced70a0ad89236fd5a984c9ec5086f35d0d18de                               | x32          | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 77.18   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly portola slowdebug
4c34a20445e3d18e5a3d9f30b3ee259d16d70c6d                               | x32          | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 103.12  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly portola
73d44c8f77437a996fb41a540200f3922c83938c                               | x32          | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 108.36  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly portola release
946be78a0bded6ca6ff29180ba3eb29716138bbc                               | x32          | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 108.36  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly portola release
3ab16dd10776df10db8ff1ca8b86a820095fa7f6                               | x32          | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 77.18   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly portola slowdebug
e9cf741f9f1041288acba6ef51a58f56734c9453                               | x64          | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 90.48   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly portola slowdebug
77dae05ff29d75be451cc338c7e4d2d4db173ad1                               | x64          | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 125.29  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly portola
a4948372aadb182e969a6f6a8b9c50ce06083038                               | x64          | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 123.17  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly portola release
173e23107b290aaf5ab02ee412bdbe28afa85e61                               | x64          | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 90.46   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly portola slowdebug
16b2ebbb175d07e42e1e870f57cbf3a18ce2b3c7                               | x64          | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 125.31  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly portola
014622da9eeef042e637547351810167b7554d53                               | x64          | linux    | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 123.18  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly portola release
67d50df977a824e5f7402ea45fa501206d6cb649                               | x64          | windows  | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 184.64  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly portola release
a91f415b5cb19ebd634345ee63d949d090065b40                               | x64          | windows  | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 73.52   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly portola slowdebug
4b691a3ef30c725b180e6a354f975d22452fd045                               | x64          | windows  | 12+19        | hotspot  | jdk  | 73.61   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly portola
2876e3343569b9951d99e2c8f7cfc7007e75b44d                               | x64          | linux    | 12+20        | hotspot  | jdk  | 379.91  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug loom nightly
3250317ea3d23e01156953cdd65301a29ccebf58                               | x64          | linux    | 12+20        | hotspot  | jdk  | 303.42  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | loom nightly slowdebug
9e7ad5a7b31ca6c6b9a9306dcb8d1962c5850145                               | x64          | linux    | 12+20        | hotspot  | jdk  | 176.75  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | loom nightly release
36205f634a9cdd5abafb30b42636a1c5e5ad99c5                               | x64          | windows  | 12+20        | hotspot  | jdk  | 0.00    MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | loom nightly release
fec8d2443b4a57ce8f18a88703583741e8c1dc9a                               | x64          | windows  | 12+20        | hotspot  | jdk  | 0.00    MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug loom nightly
73973947e6a1d2c7a6eaf9791673f719bd6a497b                               | x64          | windows  | 12+20        | hotspot  | jdk  | 0.00    MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | loom nightly slowdebug
e5813af65d68c5010c3aa800d352e19cc68de947                               | aarch64      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 274.82  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
87f957dfeca75e33cdd674454512a44e0068fa2a                               | aarch64      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 79.25   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly shenandoah slowdebug
8c19561bf207fccd4c7cb2f51a48480d8e09870d                               | aarch64      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 105.63  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly zgc
11819eed76a7d55ad0a9885341b59d8d9462cb57                               | aarch64      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 76.97   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug zgc
d720238f22652fd0e3ecdf97c1bdfff6e48def65                               | aarch64      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 111.91  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly shenandoah
ddf0983c023a040fdef297fe016a9a053f42cd3c                               | aarch64      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 339.94  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
5ff676fed75604c289aa1d911240aef54abbd60d                               | aarch64      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 105.63  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly zgc
e9de27d1fc1d0ae90c5dc85f1ebd89fa978108a8                               | aarch64      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 105.49  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
745d065650be81df59dd5245b69e7abf8e284ebb                               | aarch64      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 116.27  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
e07a73ef61a4900ebd9f9924e5cd7704a31d154d                               | aarch64      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 116.45  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release shenandoah
145562434577023a90f9d5dcefb40c9cf49f18ef                               | aarch64      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 116.46  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release shenandoah
0b1d2725e89945ec939eeedc1bcf849d96b4a0fb                               | aarch64      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 76.95   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug zgc
fde14b9d88d1bd39b00df2ee65ab2b0cd34cdffe                               | aarch64      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 111.91  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly shenandoah
91757fdcf3091bdbdf60c127f164fb2dab645891                               | aarch64      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 169.43  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
68e33ab821e388b847d9f9eef094ddd135866e0c                               | aarch64      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 116.01  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release zgc
7bce94de96e795e2137db8915e7021d0b0da2a71                               | aarch64      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 116.01  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release zgc
b964c60f4b21b5fb7ab5bcb54e67d6f515fc1880                               | aarch64      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 76.79   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
5b22a84933715acb1d5169276e6c7521fa306913                               | aarch64      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 79.25   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly shenandoah slowdebug
a5be0c9af101bd34305dfddc97d7df1e61e5416e                               | arm32-hflt   | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 70.92   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly shenandoah slowdebug
67e74172581ab59f4f000e65aefc4ffb911ce251                               | arm32-hflt   | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 95.62   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly shenandoah
b7cfa6c0a54ce5c8309ec788e81be5b73c5bc54d                               | arm32-hflt   | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 95.76   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
41622e65270925a1a8a696dbf8d89c12e907d521                               | arm32-hflt   | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 106.06  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
ca5fb73145626725c668439e4fec401b218e70f9                               | arm32-hflt   | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 70.97   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
30d584ded81fbf583564bfe5166f0d9e62e1d535                               | arm32-hflt   | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 250.91  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
1e3f5090105343b2955007c1ea0427ae9490e6dc                               | arm32-hflt   | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 95.64   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly shenandoah
21ca3b4736eaa4689ccfdcc7cd9366a19958b9ec                               | arm32-hflt   | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 305.88  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
db009a073a939053d68c901063bac086ec65daa4                               | arm32-hflt   | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 154.30  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
add362e2af9be1dff3d3e09f3b749560f54c77c1                               | arm32-hflt   | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 70.93   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly shenandoah slowdebug
9440a6662ba6776ac84f31f3d9a2626cdc99dfa8                               | arm32-hflt   | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 105.91  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release shenandoah
faf12911c10d7a90d24c8e7d7b2a506107234c04                               | arm32-hflt   | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 105.91  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release shenandoah
8001cc7e39326c2ad90ba7f81b0f2c2f8f4dc41d                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 73.12   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly shenandoah slowdebug
9ca213b6984e2a59b9a8cbdd15734acb4b83d05c                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 107.82  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
309d7f83aa3f3911559fec2a2db448b0f65c35ec                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 101.18  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly zgc
57dec4a8b440ce20439ae4c60c979adbc1ab18a5                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 107.50  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release zgc
5f58fc923aa14d4a28091182e6070cf84ab25eec                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 101.02  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly shenandoah
1f267dd83d3454cc27909fcb21251b115aa3755c                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 107.63  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release shenandoah
f1672419cffc73f65991589fc4d2966ab8755f07                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 101.18  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly zgc
e05087155a4cde6201de2849f3c043028fee24a0                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 101.06  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
eb75e81d9858b4fad890303d14fb13477b2ad819                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 73.11   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug zgc
2fc657d94df0dfe74f786aa62ca3048aef5892c5                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 257.30  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
cb0664a9e43b8cc26b8dbdf5d874724f3f7f314e                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 73.11   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug zgc
afb0a462f644d2c68408765dd1a692dd001cbbfd                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 156.31  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
d7d78ff0162d1251d2a4c5a11bd234c173b0982d                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 73.10   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
abdba847d213b4c84cebc72b1920ddd521f45f9a                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 73.12   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly shenandoah slowdebug
7344bd9d9d749d70ad58c1111e2ee6a41847d4ac                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 101.02  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly shenandoah
104ba8c7b56d0256716abff98ec74b3e10253a9b                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 322.07  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
1fca94fcf26db7db1896cf4caf48a82b2dd4e7ec                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 107.63  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release shenandoah
05f59d96b70ddd546f4aed9c54ddc722ad07a44c                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 107.50  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release zgc
c24fa177beb636bc4043709051e1a53a600ebeaf                               | s390x        | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 105.45  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
9cf0e943adfc9f186437a4b9162fc9d3578b951b                               | s390x        | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 152.38  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
034582f7d1a49e3067770dfd6eec54bac34f376c                               | s390x        | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 98.23   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly shenandoah
e784339a639620f422ef6bab3ba0360e2e3e73c0                               | s390x        | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 105.29  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release shenandoah
e996a57c6e86892f3b53a293b0769ec2708de9c2                               | s390x        | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 75.01   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
bd2490e07483fe4dc6df4a43f4d55a1348995743                               | s390x        | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 105.30  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release shenandoah
946ed299ababd8560768910e90b1bf75df296b08                               | s390x        | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 264.21  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
bcacf4f5e8708394e11e331d43c79cde232d84c9                               | s390x        | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 74.93   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly shenandoah slowdebug
7b8c02f653a0ee3256a1e30223e30bd43cac16ec                               | s390x        | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 74.93   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly shenandoah slowdebug
fdfd03951755776c5db961f4dc1ec60e65843045                               | s390x        | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 98.23   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly shenandoah
62124b09185f58c3b6f2d50948979a36b187eaf0                               | s390x        | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 98.27   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
402783861b1e81dbc202363e5498732adb8ba579                               | s390x        | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 319.23  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
e58528f487d5f482b15d585dcacd3c9629a88a5c                               | x32          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 78.63   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly shenandoah slowdebug
2c0d6c37670ee24604f6c7f8a5f98400e950a88e                               | x32          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 78.63   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly shenandoah slowdebug
101b3c93f013bae3efcede5fa9310b9af5bc5fc4                               | x32          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 100.89  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
baca17de2f8610d24b6a7c8776097ee892c5e29d                               | x32          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 266.56  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
1dcf07ede6ae50d1d61eeeb5110dd3b0fd70232d                               | x32          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 157.08  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
38dc2e007077d591f46967924c1b71f290c350bd                               | x32          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 105.91  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly shenandoah
a13d4a7609b853e313b22fefe59d10cb9453460d                               | x32          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 109.11  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release shenandoah
6a754e756eb7b580e1569f5d653dbd75f90b167c                               | x32          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 108.71  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
1311873abaf6ee8c9c0e39a5dd350d87f95cd4bb                               | x32          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 76.19   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
89103696a64b2672c83562fc8e6d9212a6d9088a                               | x32          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 109.11  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release shenandoah
55ce34bcdd6c52d64e1c4f55738eabf68a392306                               | x32          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 322.27  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
be3085029dcc7a570c6dbda09ff8c4ccce3ad974                               | x32          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 105.92  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly shenandoah
46191f013fd6f2ad933bfaec560b5927dbac2f72                               | x64          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 122.87  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly zgc
8ceeb1cf23de4e2268c0f195363998508577a50b                               | x64          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 123.40  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release zgc
a8dc8e9bf881e768be61bbca115ef52a543b87b0                               | x64          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 89.48   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | loom nightly slowdebug
cccf24287365606b8120c43d2fa7b6cf3e830072                               | x64          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 123.41  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release zgc
f8d7c8653c936bde5f0ec99fdf91975ec951fc88                               | x64          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 89.12   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug zgc
8997d72aeccb14610c2e74c7a766ca28f262a828                               | x64          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 89.13   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug zgc
37fd186be5781152eeae5862feaa9ee54a7d985a                               | x64          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 124.30  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release shenandoah
ef6219fae585243ecca7735dc2482cdabccc559c                               | x64          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 302.38  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
9e702a1dcc96f6a02c1622f2bc5c7f5975ecc58f                               | x64          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 91.91   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly shenandoah slowdebug
ca757f348952c504f5a88e3c5b462be853c130f3                               | x64          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 123.71  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
058d0a8f765a74418309541ca1b9eb4f21880718                               | x64          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 88.93   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
9717cd9993ef98c7f8e11e9c5f8afd231b59531c                               | x64          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 129.18  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly shenandoah
215871aa40df935b3e2f428c4ef91b600071e4ad                               | x64          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 129.17  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly shenandoah
716b372d8c0ceae9b97b486b98a83fb6d3f6d0b2                               | x64          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 122.86  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly zgc
4f58887133e0577e711332368d90b3fad4514156                               | x64          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 123.73  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | loom nightly release
8a86b4d7e128872038069c8b9948a975b3c577a6                               | x64          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 377.94  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
6f7d6c1269e00ba7186a6fbd24056c244e42fb35                               | x64          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 124.30  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release shenandoah
119303d7130d42c048502745e8a3d7e0710d17b8                               | x64          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 91.92   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly shenandoah slowdebug
4d4b9fda3681ca911c015a05b48bc0e3e964e9f0                               | x64          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 122.66  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
f693ac944176ce4351d44356c32d1fe66613e900                               | x64          | linux    | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 176.80  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
9c8be5a107ec2f7b2075aedce863d802bef3ed74                               | x64          | windows  | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 73.96   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly shenandoah slowdebug
9fbf055805d4d5767e5e1a06e200c09c1e40288c                               | x64          | windows  | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 184.56  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release zgc
32cde4bbe4af9623af19833663ac68a4c59e6e86                               | x64          | windows  | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 0.00    MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug loom nightly
29d1cf3b48a16c35f00b62052b7b9ee684e6acde                               | x64          | windows  | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 240.33  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
8badae50d2e782ccd023c9abbee606febd67e9b3                               | x64          | windows  | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 73.70   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly zgc
beca288685a5f3c077dfb5d79f960c456017a558                               | x64          | windows  | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 0.00    MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | loom nightly release
948b5248ea66c1e376ddff4e878b2315b6ce2e5b                               | x64          | windows  | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 205.90  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
29384ff9b699b7d8d8675ca521bc457ecc953ae8                               | x64          | windows  | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 73.60   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug zgc
42c5e89cbffe1bad79efcf7ea90e654e5fcecb83                               | x64          | windows  | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 189.06  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release shenandoah
2ef36f7bb3856ee92e2080accb186c639961b330                               | x64          | windows  | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 0.00    MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | loom nightly slowdebug
450217456d789a9508e706098f74162dfab73e93                               | x64          | windows  | 12+21        | hotspot  | jdk  | 74.09   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly shenandoah
c4828da3ed447e7046000dc467d68b44430ee72b                               | aarch64      | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 105.47  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
daa855eaaf2b40ae6e3f34d7d01793857c66aecc                               | aarch64      | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 116.07  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
fa11c1973f987aa8d1923e8c23c8b539044e0d6b                               | aarch64      | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 76.78   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
20bea8ab498eb71e2984080895740c84995d3ea8                               | aarch64      | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 116.08  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
d99ad721c511248f985c272c6f914c55165d20c9                               | aarch64      | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 105.47  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
abfb427010e0e79ee4f2ad7785e126c53869584b                               | aarch64      | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 76.77   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
ade576f034a7608b69be5c95b77a28d98a986822                               | arm32-hflt   | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 105.89  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
2dbab8e9d43cd02852076dba034ec1f09df09565                               | arm32-hflt   | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 105.89  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
63fd16add4a56597ea11bdeb3d46cc841f480fa0                               | arm32-hflt   | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 70.91   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
e2336c0905eaaf36921bdd69fe1f36c8c7a37328                               | arm32-hflt   | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 95.63   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
4ead3442d37850050b9a7eb5e270a16373db7fa1                               | arm32-hflt   | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 95.63   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
edbc20db468b286c9fe9cfbdb071e9174e8c597a                               | arm32-hflt   | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 70.91   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
8832b45a9778af07bf411a235b267e71d2740a45                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 101.05  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
cb16f5f55b578bc5c8317c9458443752f33f61f9                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 101.06  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
d85ae765bfb08882d534b31c6dc0f5d2eebd287d                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 73.09   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
deffdd0a4ac6c31ba93f8af8be60f4a2e405f0cf                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 73.04   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
b1fea013f575e060197d3fdf03d3d5ece70f29b2                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 107.58  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
f9a0711959cc2c3aa551174229fcdb6a8214966a                               | ppc64le      | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 107.59  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
11fc3c55e8c402ef283e37cb9d17b22cf15d7e8a                               | s390x        | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 74.93   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
5bc8eb499eeccd85958b97feb000d4628001bb17                               | s390x        | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 98.27   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
91cda32d77b6e393438e06ae2e1b2118b5d84c9b                               | s390x        | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 74.92   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
f1036a7750c38a8b968f6e9e18f11f9204c31217                               | s390x        | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 105.26  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
14a4ea6969efbbc04253f7e22d7c0120b96031b5                               | s390x        | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 105.27  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
0df043bbfa95203e85b612170f52f8454db7de8f                               | s390x        | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 98.27   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
cdd533589be7e38f87d4e98a97587c73cd73c1b5                               | x32          | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 100.85  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
5f9cec29fa4f2c93f157cc2640c2981b4a69440c                               | x32          | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 76.11   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
ff71f742221c502896f8bad84ad3729aab48c367                               | x32          | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 108.51  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
0f479807949d04a7af905c6ae81f2b4e036d9175                               | x32          | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 76.14   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
1703f27550bd19944f34413a0f2e45bb66d06eab                               | x32          | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 100.85  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
6d6b52663c3f9573d3c9d0c8bab700b3cb9c5e1e                               | x32          | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 108.51  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
930431b22fc11f6c025b1ca3bfe9d05bc266ae5a                               | x64          | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 88.94   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
6ec8da134510d02a7f9a33c8ce4bef1892b087c4                               | x64          | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 88.89   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
02e57db05c0d922a967646a5704a347f3a5585bc                               | x64          | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 123.50  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
d9e0cdbc7681b46a83cfb2744fa9e0fc37c2cbf9                               | x64          | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 123.49  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
dc92b0c4108f2d451c2d91d382d89a98bde38609                               | x64          | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 122.63  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
d8ae2e75adca53ba039f814029a823d3b605fe46                               | x64          | linux    | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 122.61  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly
68d8667ef7cc5fa6c37c1cd6c061f38f41a4ebb9                               | x64          | windows  | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 184.55  MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly release
75bd2660224ccde06c14989cf6dc260cd561d930                               | x64          | windows  | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 73.60   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | nightly slowdebug
2d8be6d22c8e0d28a2f495eb50cfc44f9da15420                               | x64          | windows  | 12+22        | hotspot  | jdk  | 73.71   MB | urn:net.shipilev.builds      | fastdebug nightly

[coffeepick]$ download 2d8be6d22c8e0d28a2f495eb50cfc44f9da15420
[    5.20 MB /    73.71 MB] |+++++                                                       | 5.20MB/s
[   10.59 MB /    73.71 MB] |+++++++++                                                   | 5.39MB/s
[   15.93 MB /    73.71 MB] |+++++++++++++                                               | 5.34MB/s
[   21.11 MB /    73.71 MB] |++++++++++++++++++                                          | 5.18MB/s
[   24.51 MB /    73.71 MB] |++++++++++++++++++++                                        | 3.41MB/s
[   28.25 MB /    73.71 MB] |+++++++++++++++++++++++                                     | 3.74MB/s
[   32.54 MB /    73.71 MB] |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++                                 | 4.29MB/s
[   36.15 MB /    73.71 MB] |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                              | 3.60MB/s
[   40.32 MB /    73.71 MB] |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                           | 4.18MB/s
[   45.22 MB /    73.71 MB] |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                       | 4.90MB/s
[   50.30 MB /    73.71 MB] |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                   | 5.08MB/s
[   53.58 MB /    73.71 MB] |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                | 3.28MB/s
[   58.12 MB /    73.71 MB] |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++            | 4.54MB/s
[   62.97 MB /    73.71 MB] |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++        | 4.85MB/s
[   66.97 MB /    73.71 MB] |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++     | 4.00MB/s
[   70.62 MB /    73.71 MB] |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  | 3.66MB/s
Download finished
Runtime archive: /home/rm/local/coffeepick/inventory/2d8be6d22c8e0d28a2f495eb50cfc44f9da15420/archive

In his own words:

... the binaries there are very volatile by nature, many rotate daily, so hooking them up to something more or less permanent would be problematic.

Expect to have to run repository-update urn:net.shipilev.builds every day if you use the repository!

Lurking Between Releases

A while back, I talked about moving to the bndtools suite of Maven plugins in preference to the Felix bundle plugin. The reason for this is better cross-IDE compatibility: Eclipse only really works with bndtools, whilst Intellij IDEA only really works with the Felix maven-bundle-plugin. This means that the plugin you choose to use in your Maven project ends up dictating which IDE developers must use in order to work with it. That's not great! However, I discovered that Intellij IDEA could be configured to use the OSGi manifest file that the bndtools Maven plugin creates, and therefore that means that developers can use either IDE as long as I use the bndtools plugins in my own projects.

Unfortunately, upon switching to the bndtools plugin in the primogenitor, I soon ran into MNG-6059 and MNG-5951. Briefly, Maven has some baked-in behaviour that is intended to produce metadata that follows the conventions people used when everyone used SVN to manage source code. However, those conventions result in Maven producing metadata that's essentially incorrect with regards to modern conventions. Specifically, Maven will automatically append module names to URIs specified in your project, because it assumes that you've laid out files in a particular way on remote servers. This automatic name appending could not previously be turned off. However, Maven 3.6.0 provided support for some attributes that you could place into your pom.xml files that would disable this automatic appending. Additionally, 3.6.0 comes with numerous fixes for working with Java 11 bytecode. As I recently decided that Java 11 was the new minimum version that I was going to support, 3.6.0 is really a requirement moving forward.

Unfortunately, this has now lead to further problems! One problem is that it's not possible to push a pom.xml file containing the new attributes to Maven Central because the version of Nexus running on Central can't parse the new POM files yet. The second problem is that the attributes are not inherited. I currently have over 850 pom.xml files spread over close to a hundred projects. There's just no way I'm going to edit each and every pom.xml file and add those attributes by hand. I want to specify them once in the primogenitor and have them apply everywhere. I've raised both points on the Maven mailing list, and my cries have been heard. All of this will hopefully be fixed in 3.6.1.

After all is said and done, this means that I can't start moving projects to Java 11 just yet or even do a full 3.0.0 release of the primogenitor because I need Maven 3.6.1 to do so. I wasn't available to test 3.6.0 much before it was released, but I can do plenty of testing for 3.6.1. It looks like I'll temporarily be in limbo for a couple of months!