crush depth

Chasing Modules

I've been moving all of the projects I still maintain to Java 9 modules. In order to do this, however, I've needed to assist third party projects upon which I have dependencies to either modularize their projects or publish Automatic-Module-Name entries in their jar manifests. If you try to specify a dependency on a project that either hasn't been modularized or hasn't published an Automatic-Module-Name entry, you'll see this when building with Maven:

[WARNING] ********************************************************************************************************************
[WARNING] * Required filename-based automodules detected. Please don't publish this project to a public artifact repository! *
[WARNING] ********************************************************************************************************************

The reasons for this are documented on Stephen Colebourne's blog.

Here's a table of all of the third party projects upon which I depend, and an indication of the current state of modularization (I'll try to keep this updated as projects are updated):

Project State Updated
fastutil Considering 2018-02-07
jcpp Considering 2018-02-08
ed25519-java Considering 2018-02-09
LWJGL Fully Modularized 2018-02-07
Dyn4j Fully Modularized 2018-02-07
protobuf Ignored? 2018-02-07
antlr In Progress 2018-02-11
autovalue In Progress 2018-02-07
rome In Progress 2018-02-07
JGraphT Automatic Module Names (Full modularization in progress) 2018-02-11
Vavr Automatic Module Names 2018-02-07
commonmark-java Automatic Module Names 2018-02-07
javapoet Automatic Module Names 2018-02-07
xom Unclear 2018-02-07

Generally, if a project isn't planning to either modularize or publish automatic module names, then I'm looking for a replacement for that project.