crush depth

Evolving Generated Types

I released version 1.0.0 of jregions a while back and then found that I wanted to make some changes to the API. I didn't want to make a compatibility-breaking change this close to 1.0.0, so I decided to make the changes but keep some deprecated compatibility methods in place.

However, some of the types involved are generated by the immutables package. The way the package works is that you define an abstract interface type and immutables generates an immutable implementation of this interface. One of the parts of the generated implementation is a builder type that allows you to construct instances of the implementation type in multiple steps. For example, a declaration like this:

interface SizeType
  int width();

  int height();

... would result in the generation of an immutable Size class that contained a mutable Size.Builder type capable of constructing values of Size:

Size s = Size.builder().setWidth(640).setHeight(480).build();

In my case, I wanted to rename the width and height methods to something more generic. Specifically, width should be sizeX and height should be sizeY. Clearly, if I just renamed the methods in the SizeType, then the generated type and the generated builder type would both be source and binary incompatible. I could do this:

interface SizeType
  int sizeX();

  int sizeY();

  default int width()
    return sizeX();

  default int height()
    return sizeY();

That would at least preserve source and binary compatibility for the API of the generated type, but the generated builder type would no longer have setWidth or setHeight methods, so source and binary compatibility would be broken there. I asked on the issue tracker, and right away Eugene Lukash stepped in with a nice solution. Thanks again Eugene!

How To Fix Intellij IDEA build issues

Switch to the project directory, and:

$ find . -name '*.iml' -exec rm -v {} \;
$ rm -rfv .idea

Reopen the project and hope intensely.


Pulsing Headache

PulseAudio has some problems.

I have a laptop and various machines for testing software across platforms, and they all send audio over the network to my main development machine. This allows me to use a single pair of headphones and to control audio levels in a single place. I'm using PulseAudio's networking support to achieve this but, unfortunately, it seems rather poor at it.

The first major problem with it is that when the TCP connection between the client and the server is broken for any reason, the only way to get that connection back appears to be to restart the client. This is pretty terrible; network connections are not reliable and any well-written networked software should be designed to be resilient in the case of bad network conditions. Simply retrying the connection with exponential backoff would help, possibly with an explicit means to reconnect via the pactl command line tool. As an aside, the use of TCP is probably not a great choice either. Software that streams audio has soft real-time requirements and TCP is pretty widely acknowledged as being unsuitable for satisfying those requirements. An application such as an audio server is receiving packets of audio data and writing them to the audio hardware as quickly as it can. The audio data is time critical: If a packet of audio is lost or turns up late, then that is going to result in an audible gap or glitch in the produced sound no matter what happens. Therefore, an algorithm like TCP that will automatically buffer data when packets are reordered, and will automatically re-send data when packets are lost, is fundamentally unsuitable for use in this scenario. Best to use an unreliable transport like UDP, consider lost or late packets as lost, and just live with the momentary audio glitch. The next piece of audio will be arriving shortly anyway! Ironically, the use of an unreliable transport would seem to make the software more reliable by eliminating the problem of having to supervise and maintain a connection to the server as sending data over UDP is effectively fire and forget.

The second major problem, and I'm suspicious (without good evidence) that this may be related to the choice of TCP as a protocol, is that the client and server can become somehow desynchronized requiring both the client and server to be restarted. Essentially, what happens is that when either the client or server are placed under heavy load, audio (understandably) begins to glitch. The problem is that even when the load returns to normal, audio remains broken. I've not been able to capture a recording of what happens, but it sounds a little like granular synthesis. As mentioned, the only way to fix this appears to be to restart both the client and server. A broken client can break the server, and a broken server can break the client!

Amber Expert Group

A few weeks back, I was contacted by none other than Brian Goetz inviting me to become part of the Project Amber expert group. I was quite honoured, and I accepted! It'll be my job to get into arguments on the mailing list about algebraic data types. Honestly, right now I'd be perfectly happy with simple Kotlin-style case classes, but I understand that full pattern matching is being considered for implementation. A while back, I wrote:

Given the typical Java conservatism, Java will probably gain closed types and pattern matching abilities some time after 2025.

I never considered that I might be slightly responsible for meeting or beating that estimate!

Three Day Insight

Been working on some difficult software architecture problems lately. I'm a proponent of a method of thinking that, according to my rather faulty memory, was attributed to Einstein, possibly by Robert Anton Wilson. I can't actually find any evidence that Einstein used this method now, but I find it useful nevertheless! Essentially, the theory goes that the subconsious mind is highly effective at problem solving but does not work quickly. Whereas the conscious mind is useful for making snap decisions (on the timescale of seconds or minutes) that can mean the difference between escaping a predator or being eaten, the subconscious mind works on timescales approaching days, weeks, months, and beyond. An effective way to use the subconscious mind is therefore to pose a question or series of questions to it, then banish those questions from the conscious mind (either by occult means or by sheer distraction). Upon returning to the problem in roughly three days time, the subconscious mind will usually have arrived at some sort of solution.

To achieve this, I spent the last few days hammering away at the mindless task of modularizing an existing codebase. In this case, jsycamore. I'm only really this year getting a handle on applying a service-oriented approach to programming and each new project is an opportunity to find new places where the model can be applied. For example, the user interface in the jsycamore package is themable. Previously, the core package provided a set of four default themes, each of which emulated the look and feel of an existing operating system. The modularization of the code moved those themes into their own modules with the themes being published as services. This allows programmers to publish their own themes as services and have them automatically made available to any program using jsycamore without anyone having to write extra code to use them. If nothing else good comes from Jigsaw, I hope at least that it shoves programmers in the direction of publishing services as opposed to relying on ClassLoader and reflection hacks to provide late-binding of functionality in this way. Much of the JDK has been converted to services, apparently, and they're now a core part of the new module system instead of lurking in the background the way they have since Java 6.